Code Bits - reusable code on NuGet (801 kB)
Set of useful code blocks that can be included in your code through NuGet.


Automated language writer with graphical editor. Converts into other languages like PowerShell & C++ .NET

Code Snippets

Code snippets to empower the developers to write quality code faster while adhering to the industry standards.

C# Snippets (from VB Snippets in VS.Net 2005)

C# Snippets is a collection of almost 300 snippets from the VB.Net Snippet collection ported over to C#.

C# Snippets for Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 (319 kB)
A collection of parameterized C# code snippets.

F# Code Snippet

F# code snippet

PoshCode (281 kB)
Online PowerShell Repository

Code Snippet With Syntaxhighlighter Support for Windows Live Writer (26,9 MB)
A code snippet plugin for Windows Live Writer with support for Syntaxhighlighter as well as good support for snippet indentation.

Snippet Designer

Snippet Designer is a Visual Studio plug in which allows you to create, edit and search for snippets inside the IDE.

Visual Studio 2008 Code Snippet Library C#

While developing other projects, I force myself to write code snippets for common scenarios such as creating public classes, static classes and even singletons. This library is simply my snippets file. Regulary updated! (at least once a week).

Code Snippets for Design Patterns

C# Code Snippets for the Gang for Four (GOF) Design Patterns. Shortcut is "dpdesignpatternname", e.g. dpsingleton for Singleton.

SpecializedEnum: a base class to allow enum-like behavior with arbitrary objects

This class uses readonly variables, reflection, generics, and an internal ordered list to provide behavior similar to that of an enum but with arbitrary objects or value types rather than only integer numeric types. Public static readonly variables can be added in the derived class to represent the desired enum-like values.

StyleCop Compliant Visual Studio Code Snippets (258 kB)
StyleCop Compliant Visual Studio Code Snippets

Code Snippets for Windows Store Apps

Code Snippets for Windows Store apps is a collection of around 60 IntelliSense Code Snippets for Visual Basic, C#, C++, and JavaScript developers.

Plugin Collection for Windows Live Writer

A collection of miscellaneous plugins for Windows Live Writer that use exploratory "hacks" to get around limitations in the Windows Live Writer API.